Whether you made an in-app-purchase in an app because you want to earn rewards faster, or you enjoy the app and want to purchase items in the game, appKarma will reimburse your in-app-purchases made in offers you were rewarded for inside appKarma.
You will receive 1200 Karma Points for each $1.00 USD you spend. Maximum of $25.00 (30,000 points).
Please read the following carefully. There are no exceptions to the following rules:
- Offer must be above 600 points
- (Android Users) You must complete at least 1 Karma Plays. Please provide screenshots as proof.
- (iOS Users) You must send a screenshot of your earnings history showing you've completed the offer.
- Submit your purchase receipt as proof
- Only one IAP bonus will be issued to you per offer. (Highest value)
- You must not have accessed the offer via emulators, VPN, or Proxy servers
- Send your email and screenshots to support@appkarma.io with the subject IAP Bonus.
** PLEASE READ!! If you make a purchase and complete the offer but did not receive the reward, contact us and we will issue either the missing credit bonus *** OR *** the IAP bonus (whichever is larger).