For certain offers, we create a quiz to give you an opportunity to earn an extra bonus. Check out all the quiz opportunities in the notifications section of the app. These quizzes are linked to our Facebook page where we announce the quizzes. 

Here's an example from our Facebook account:

NEW #appKarmaquiz alert for 650 Karma Points!

Get your lock, stock, and barrel with Guns and Glory and show us how fast you are with your hands!
Make sure to download GUNS OF GLORY from appKarma to collect your rewards.
DO NOT post the answer here and follow the directions closely!

Guns of Flory Quiz
At what Barracks level can you upgrade your infantry to riflemen?

To qualify:
1. The GUNS OF GLORY offer must be worth MORE THAN 2000 Karma Points. This only applies to offers completed after May 1st.
2. (Android Users) You must complete at least 2 Karma Plays. Please send a screenshot of your Earnings History to showing this.
(iOS Users) You must send a screenshot of your Earnings History showing that you have completed the offer. (Offer MUST appear in your earnings history)
3. You must not have accessed the offer via VPN or Proxy servers.
4. Send the email to support (@) appKarma (dot) io with the Subject: GOG Quiz.
5. You are only allowed one attempt and failure to follow directions is grounds for disqualification.